The Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) and "Revised Common Rule"
CITI is the online training program used at Hanover College for training all personnel conducting research involving human subjects.
These materials available through CITI are designed and regularly updated to:
- Enhance the knowledge and professionalism of investigators, staff, and students conducting research in the United States and internationally.
- Educate members, administrators, and leadership of Hanover College's committees that review and oversee research.
- Promote ethical research at Hanover College through the education of research administrators and organizational leadership.
- CITI Program content is designed to be a component of an overall foundation of training for research at Hanover College.
Hanover College's research personnel, including principal investigators, co-investigators, faculty sponsors, student investigators, and any researcher who is directly involved in research including research with human or animal subjects, must complete CITI training.
Researchers should submit evidence of CITI completion by providing CITI certificate with application to IRB.